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Feeling Like You Have To Do It All?

This one is for you if you are so overwhelmed with your to-do lists and goals and are putting pressure on yourself to, in fact, DO IT ALL.

I took a break from this blog because LIFE got super busy and consuming. I have had a lot happen...I moved in with my boyfriend, I have been traveling every few weeks, I just finished my certification to become a Holistic Gut Practitioner (WOOT WOOT!), I have been through a gut restoration, I have made new friends, I am putting together our annual PFC event, I have been showing up for my clients, and so much more!

I knew that if my heart & soul were not in the right position to write to you all, it would be a not so great read. I wanted to write so badly but I knew that other things that were on the top of my priority list were calling my attention ... I had to stop and ask myself...

"Em, what is the rush." - Your desires/goals & the journey of achieving them are waiting on you when you're ready, it's okay to let go of something for a little while and return to it when it's the RIGHT time. Trust in His/The Universe's timing.

Here's the thing girlfriend...You can do it all, but maybe just not in one day...or even in one week or month! Here are some things to keep in your back pocket and tips to remind yourself that it's okay to let go & return, you do have enough time, and that the timing of things are perfect whether it's on your timeline or not.

Your goals & to-do lists deserve more attention and your absolute divine alignment. If you are rushing, it won't be your best work or have your full attention! Wait until you feel fully aligned.

Write out your goals & to-do's for the week on Sunday's. Break them up into columns based on priority. When Monday comes, look at the first column, do the tasks in order that you FEEL. It doesn't matter what time that day you complete as long as you complete them. Do them based on how you feel, this allows your schedule some flexibility and it's more FUN, when you're having FUN with what you're doing, the quality is PURRRRFECTOOO!! Repeat Tuesday - Saturday!

The Universe and God are never wrong. The provide you with timing and presence that is the HIGEST GOOD. This means that it will bring the best of life to YOU and others...whether you see it or not. You may have a deadline that you wanted to complete, and the day comes and you still aren't finished... DON'T FREAK!

Take a deep breathe and remind yourself that you are on the right timeline. Reevaluate and try again for a different date. Give yourself grace.

Life is going to happen and things will get in your way of your timeline. This is a TEST. How you react to it will then determine the rest of the timeline. If you lose your shit and try to force outcomes, life and situations, the worse mood you're in and the longer that negative realm exists. If you just say, "Hey, the hell with it, let's roll with it" and focus on having fun in the situation....You see OPPORTUNITIES/BLESSINGS that you would have missed if you were in a pissy mood! There are miracles in light...always see the light!

Have the best day, and remember, give yourself grace, do not pressure yourself or force outcomes. Have fun with life, we only get one of these bad boys.

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