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Turn Your 2023 Goals Into Your REALITY

Are you the person who says they are going to make all the changes and do all the things, and when the end of the year comes you are still standing where you were at the beginning of the year? 🤔

Do you DEEP down believe that you won't accomplish the goals you set? This is simply because you have said the same things or something similar in the past, and didn't keep the promise to yourself!

So, let's make 2023 DIFFERENT. Let's hold off on telling others what we are going to do and let's keep it to ourselves. This is something special for you and you want to preserve all of the good energy around it.

Keep the SELF-DOUBT OUT! You are the creator of your own reality, and if you want to be in the individual who says something and they ACTUALLY makes shit happen, then be that person! All you have to do is CHOOSE to believe that you ARE indeed that person!

Step 1 complete! You just decided that you are that are that person! Welcome to your new life 😍

Let's get into what will MAKE YOUR GOALS A REALITY!

Step 2: Make a VISION BOARD!!

How to use a vision board:

1) Make something that is FUN for you and FUN to look at !

2) Hang it up where it is visible

3) Every morning, before you start your day, look at it and let all of the FEELINGS soak in!!

4) Take a deep breath and visualize that you ACTUALLY have these things are in these places!

Step 3: Create an action plan.

Day dreaming and visualizing is AMAZING but we need an actual action plan. Create a generic step by step plan to reaching your goals. For example, If you want to go to your dream college, make an action plan to visit the campus once or twice this year, create an action plan to fill our 3 scholarship applications per week and scratch it into your schedule each week, chat with alumni and ask them how their experience was, contact and meet up with a professor or counselor when you feel visit.

You can continue to create your action plan as the days and weeks pass during the year! Always revisit your action plan and add / adjust as needed! It doesn't have to be perfect at first, just make one! Take action 😆

Step 4: Spend time in the space of your goals.

The way to get into the fast lane of making your dreams a reality is actually spending time in the ACTUAL space. For example, if you want a new car go visit a car dealership and test drive it out. Spend time in the car with your hands on the steering wheel, close your eyes, breathe in the new car smell, and visualize cruising down the highway.

Step 5: Rewrite your goals and make monthly goals.

Write your big goals and smaller goals that lead up to those big goals EVERY DAY. Spend a few moments in the morning doing this and once again let the feelings SOAK in 😊

Step 6: NEVER break a promise to yourself!

&& I mean NEVER EVER! If you break a promise to yourself, it is like letting down your best friend last minute on a movie date ☹️ Don't do that to yourself! If you make a promise to yourself, STICK TO IT!

For example, your new goal is to start exercising at the gym 3 days a week. You made the promise to work out one day, and you got stuck at work really late and all you want to do is go home or say another commitment comes up and you no longer have the time or energy to go to the gym and complete your planned workout. Don't just give up! If you have 10 minutes at home, just stretch or do a quick HITT workout, do what you can with what you have.


Your smaller goals that will lead up to your big goals should not be based on perfection , but instead CONSISTENCY.

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